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宇宙戦艦で敵を殲滅するSFタワーディフェンス『Battleship Lonewolf』120円、『Don't Starve』360円 - 10月3日に値下げゲーム
'Aka to Blue' Review - Red and Blue and Awesome All Over (Review) | TouchArcade
'Geostorm' Puzzle Game Releases Ahead of Movie With Same Name | TouchArcade
Android Excellence Collection Includes 'Iron Marines', 'Sky Force Reloaded', and 'Karma.Incarnation 1.' | TouchArcade
Brawl With 4 Friends on One Device in 'Shy Bunnies' | TouchArcade
3-Hero Platformer 'The Sidekicks' Releasing October 18th | TouchArcade
'Batman: The Enemy Within' from Telltale Games Has Finally Released on iOS With Episode 1 Free | TouchArcade
Ragdolls Go Medieval in 'Foolball', Out November 9th | TouchArcade
Take the fight to others in new 3D MMORPG Team Guardian, available now | Team Guardian: legend of 23 heroes new release | iPad | Pocket Gamer
バトルロイヤルゲーム『PUBG』Steamにて大量の"レビュー荒らし"が発生中。中国版に広告を導入したことが引き金か | AUTOMATON