

新しい電車でGO!!を見た感想、ポケモンGOまた記録を作るなど - 昨日のゲームニュースまとめ

圧倒的なワクワク感! 『電車でGO!!』発表会に呼ばれた私が見たもの、感じたこと

定番卓球ゲーム『Table Tennis Touch』が120円に - 8月9日の値下げゲーム


iPhone AC 番外レポート : レベルス(Levels)

Masquerade: The Faceless review - Android, iPhone, iPad reviews | Pocket Gamer

ISO Golf is one of the stranger golf games coming to mobile but it's certainly intriguing | ISO Golf upcoming | iPad | Pocket Gamer

Slice-and-dice puzzler Diffission is set to launch next week on iOS | Diffission upcoming | iPad | Pocket Gamer

Top 25 point-and-click adventure games | iPad | Pocket Gamer

Robot Cake's rotating action game Ruins Ahead hits iOS and Android next week | Ruins Ahead upcoming | iPad | Pocket Gamer

Fantastic flyer Fugl hopes for VR release this year and mobile release in early 2017 | Fugl upcoming | iPad | Pocket Gamer

Developers push Death Road to Canada back a little bit longer than anticipated | Death Road to Canada upcoming | iPad | Pocket Gamer

Creators of 'Puzzle Quest' Series Announce Combine-to-Craft Adventure 'Tiny Quest' for Early 2017 | TouchArcade

Rusty Lake's Next Project Is Their Most Ambitious One Yet | TouchArcade

Post-Apocalyptic Action RPG 'Post Brutal' Gets New Trailer and Begins Beta Testing | TouchArcade

'Puppet Bird' Is the Next Game From the Developers of 'Politaire', Releasing This Week | TouchArcade

Isometric Platform Hopper 'Bluk' Set for Release Next Week | TouchArcade


『No Man’s Sky』開発者、ゲーム内容への理解を求める。「あなたの想像するようなゲームではないかもしれない」 | AUTOMATON

リオ五輪の「君が代」に内村選手「すごくゆっくり」 JOC「実は意図してテンポを遅くした」 - ねとらぼ

Eisenhorn: XENOS (itunes 1,200円 iPhone/iPad対応)