【島国大和】“国産ゲームならではのこだわり”に未来はあるのか? - 4Gamer.net
Per Bloomberg Report, Apple Is Building A "Secret Team" to Fix the App Store | TouchArcade
iPhone AC 番外レポート : I Keep Having This Dream
iPhone AC 番外レポート : Warbits
The Upcoming Cyberpunk Roguelite 'Leap of Fate' Looks Great | TouchArcade
Set Snail's Puzzle Platformer 'illi' Launching April 26th, New Trailer Released | TouchArcade
Feral Fury is a top-down dual stick shooter that packs a lot of punch, coming this fall | Feral Fury upcoming | iPad | Pocket Gamer
Drag, rotate, and experiment to solve abstract puzzles in Circles | Circle upcoming | iPad | Pocket Gamer
Development on iOS port of isometric sci-fi horror game Stasis moving forward, engine being re-written | Stasis upcoming | iPad | Pocket Gamer
Father.io mixes AR, VR, drones and mobile phones in laser tag game coming this summer | Father.io upcoming | iPad | Pocket Gamer
Apple launches | Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft update | iPad | Pocket Gamer
Android's sleeper hit Goo Saga is bound for a release on iOS next week | Goo Saga upcoming | iPad | Pocket Gamer
Tackle puzzles and navigate platforms in the handdrawn platformer Toby: The Secret Mine | iPad | Pocket Gamer
Get your Advance Wars fix: the amazing Warbits is finally out on the App Store | Warbits new release | iPad | Pocket Gamer
Bronze Award-winning puzzler Hook goes on sale for free | True sale | iPad | Pocket Gamer
Mali Graphics Week 2016 | Pocket Gamer.biz | PGbiz
Miitomo to make $1 million in April | Pocket Gamer.biz | PGbiz
NimbleBit Announces 'Tiny Tower 5th Anniversary Edition' Update, Looking for Beta Testers | TouchArcade
'Super Meat Boy' Hits the Nvidia Shield ...Is a Mobile Launch Possible? | TouchArcade
RMT問題で炎上していた「マジカルストーン」サービス休止が決定 - ねとらぼ
納豆×春のフルーツ 斬新な組み合わせが話題の「ベリーベリー納豆」、担当者に開発経緯を聞く - ねとらぼ
「ストII」の「負け顔」がフィギュアに! 懐かしのコンティニューシーンを完全再現 - ねとらぼ
PLAYISMは何を目指し、どこへ向かうのか。PLAYISM水谷俊次氏インタビュー [前編] | AUTOMATON