お猿の音ゲー『Jungle Rumble』が無料に!ボードゲーム『Ticket to Ride』もセール - 1月29日の値下げゲーム
「ハイスコアを狙う楽しさ」について本気出して考えてみた: 不倒城
阪神タイガースは、野球集団やないで? - かくいう私も青二才でね
PAX South 2016: 'Deckbound Heroes' is a Curious CCG with a Cross-Game Card Collection | TouchArcade
PAX South 2016: 'Like a Boss' Finally Lets You be the Raid Boss Killing Heroes | TouchArcade
PAX South 2016: 'Crush Your Enemies' Promises to be a Brutally Good Time | TouchArcade
PAX South 2016: 'Eternal' Puts its Own Spin on the 'Hearthstone'-Style CCG | TouchArcade
PAX South 2016: 'Heroes Must Die' is a Real Game...and a Real Play?! | TouchArcade
PAX South: 'Den vänstra handens stig' is a Game of Black Metal and Blood Sacrifice | TouchArcade
PAX South 2016: 'Vainglory' 1.14 and New Character Ozo Hands-On | TouchArcade
Here's the 'Bomberman'-Alike 'Ninja Boy Adventures' Being Played with an MFi Controller | TouchArcade
'Faif' Developer Beavl is Going All-In on Mermen with 'Tail Wrestling', the First of a Series of Mermen-Themed Games | TouchArcade
人は仮想現実の中で何日間生き続けられるのか、VRデバイスを装着したまま48時間を過ごした男が描く未来 | AUTOMATON
89ドルの『三國志13』Steamランキング入りし海外で話題に。欧米ユーザーと“コーエー価格”の出会い | AUTOMATON
Choke Point | 『Gravity Daze』海外レビュー