砂漠を旅するエキゾチックRPG『The Shadow Sun』初の無料化 - 2月28日の値下げゲーム
Infinity BladeのEPIC GAMESから新作。『Batlle Breaker』の動画公開
Sci-fi adventure Heaven's Vault is Inkle's next, and biggest, project | Heaven's Vault upcoming | iPad | Pocket Gamer
The pixellated RPG Bit Heroes is headed to iOS and Android | Bit Heroes upcoming | iPad | Pocket Gamer
'Thimbleweed Park' Releasing on PC March 30th, Mobile Coming Few Months After | TouchArcade
Google Announces New Google Play Sales and Editorial Features, Along with New Games 'Beartopia' and 'Virtual Rabbids' | TouchArcade
Samsung Announces New Gear VR Headset with Controller | TouchArcade
GDC 2017 - Hands-On with Manic Combat Racer 'Road Warriors' from Lucky Kat and TurtleBlaze | TouchArcade
GDC 2017 - Hands-On with 'Resynth', a Very Musical Puzzle Game | TouchArcade
GDC 2017 - Kongregate's Pixelized Dungeon Crawler 'Bit Heroes' Heading to Mobile Soon | TouchArcade
'Meganoid' 2017 Reboot Almost Complete, March Release Possible | TouchArcade
GDC 2017 - Gorgeous Open-World Flying Game 'Fugl' is Finally Near Completion (Really!) | TouchArcade
映画「ジョジョ」、伊勢谷友介演じる空条承太郎がバァーンっと解禁! あの帽子も完全再現 - ねとらぼ
「作品の対価が音楽文化の発展に寄与する」 JASRACが楽器教室からの著作権料徴収について概要を解説 - ねとらぼ
「パパ、魔界村に出たい」。娘の夢を叶えるため父親が開発した2Dアクション『Battle Princess Madelyn』が日本語版もリリースへ | AUTOMATON
ドリームキャスト向け自作STGのHD移植『Ghost Blade HD』Steam版の発売日が3月に決定 | AUTOMATON