

『ポケモンGO』のすごさって?FF15のミニゲーム『ジャスモン』配信だが…… - 昨日のゲームニュースまとめ

【島国大和】開発者から見た「Pokémon GO」。無理無理,こんなの作れません - 4Gamer.net

スクエニ、FF15のミニゲーム『JUSTICE MONSTERS FIVE』配信開始



iPhone AC 番外レポート : Legend of the Skyfish


戦時下の生存劇を描いた「This War of Mine」開発が新作サバイバルゲーム『Frostpunk』発表、極寒の世界を蒸気の力で生きる人類 | AUTOMATON

Omnidrone soft launches mini-MOBA Titan Brawl in select countries on iOS | Titan Brawl upcoming | iPad | Pocket Gamer

[Update] Ever want to start again? With A New Life you can again, and again, out now on iOS | A New Life new release | iPad | Pocket Gamer

AppTaco LLC's Beware, Square slated for release tomorrow on iOS, Android coming later | Beware, Square upcoming | iPad | Pocket Gamer

Niantic opens up about disabling third-party services and the most recent account bans | Pokemon GO news | iPad | Pocket Gamer

She Remembered Caterpillars is a hand-drawn color-blending puzzler coming to iOS and Android | She Remembered Caterpillars upcoming | iPad | Pocket Gamer

'Strike Team' Is an 'Xcom'-Esque Strategy Game by the Developer of 'Demon's Rise' | TouchArcade

First 'Where Cards Fall' Trailer Looks Absolutely Gorgeous | TouchArcade

'PewDiePie's Tuber Simulator' Is the Youtube Star's Next Mobile Game | TouchArcade

Bulkypix is Going Under and It's a Huge Mess for Everyone | TouchArcade

PSA: 'Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse' Could Potentially Be Removed From the App Store on September 2nd | TouchArcade

Views and Subscriptions for the 'Pokemon GO' Subreddit Have Greatly Declined Over the Past Month | TouchArcade

The Promising Racing Game 'Street Kart' Is Now Officially in Beta | TouchArcade


「グランツーリスモSPORT」発売延期 2017年に - ねとらぼ

小島秀夫氏がVRスタジオの顧問として加わることが発表。新たな表現の模索へ | AUTOMATON

続・ダライアスの発売日::Colorful Pieces of Game