錯視のパズル『hocus.』が初の無料化 - 8月4日の値下げゲーム
異形がうごめく街の謎を探る王道サバイバルホラー『From Beneath』開発中。ゲーム機並の体験を目指して
iPhone AC 番外レポート : マッチ売りの少女 : 幸せクリッカー
Simplistic but stunning, Save the Planet is coming to iOS and Android next week | Save the Planet upcoming | iPad | Pocket Gamer
RPG Reload Presents - The History of Handheld RPGs, Part Twelve | TouchArcade
'Clash Royale' 'Rules of the Duel' Commercials Are Great Fun, and Devs Talk Next Update | TouchArcade
Fast-Paced FPS 'Midnight Star: Renegade' Is Launching August 11th | TouchArcade
Indie Hit 'To the Moon' Is Coming to Mobile in 2017 | TouchArcade
'Deus Ex Go' Developers Talk About Distilling the Franchise Into a 'Go' Game | TouchArcade
There's a 'Warhammer 40K' Endless Runner Game in the Works | TouchArcade
Former Fire Phone Exclusive 'Saber's Edge' Goes Worldwide on Mobile This Month | TouchArcade
'Downwell' Soundtrack to be Released on Vinyl | TouchArcade
'Satellina Zero' Releases Next Week, 'Satellina' Currently Free | TouchArcade
空想の幻獣たちが集結 「空想幻獣展 ~ Reset ~」が8月末に開催決定! - ねとらぼ
猫の胸元のモフモフ感を再現した「猫の胸毛タオル」登場! 思う存分モフれるにゃ - ねとらぼ
だって「ムー」読み放題だよ!? ぼくはこれで「Kindle Unlimited」に登録しました - ねとらぼ
あの“RO”の懐かしい世界が今ここに、Steamにて『Ragnarok Clicker』が配信開始。開発元は『Clicker Heroes』を手がけたPlaysaurus | AUTOMATON