

GDCの記事続々、Appleのおすすめに動物撮影ゲー『Snapimals』登場- 昨日のゲームニュースまとめ

装置の臨場感大幅アップ。『Please Don't Touch Anything』のVR版予告動画公開


上質なスライドパズル『Blockwick 2』、雪の女王の捜し物アドベンチャーも - 3月19日の値下げゲーム

考えて、考えて動かすパズル『twofold inc.』などAppleおすすめゲーム感想 - 3月18日の新作ゲーム
snapimalsra - 4



Is This the First Footage of 'Pokemon GO'? | TouchArcade

GDC 2016: 'Suzy Cube' is a True 3D Platformer for Touchscreens and Our Favorite Game of GDC | TouchArcade

GDC 2016: A Quick Look at The Tablet Version of 'Albion Online' | TouchArcade

GDC 2016: 'Heroes of Skyrealm' Mixes 'Clash'-Style Gameplay with Dungeon Crawling | TouchArcade

GDC 2016: 'Eisenhorn: Xenos' is a Great Looking Warhammer 40K Game | TouchArcade

GDC 2016: 'The Frostrune' - Great Things Come Out of Norway | TouchArcade

GDC 2016: 'Ninja Pizza Girl' Is a Surprisingly Awesome Family Project | TouchArcade

GDC 2016: 'Star Crusade' Takes Collectable Card Gaming to the Stars | TouchArcade

GDC 2016: 'Ticket to Earth' Puts a New Spin on Turn Based RPG's | TouchArcade

GDC 2016: 'Le Parker - Sous Chef Extraordinaire' is a Gorgeous Platformer Starring a Sous Chef | TouchArcade

GDC 2016: 'Kingdom' Is Heading to Mobile | TouchArcade

GDC 2016: 'Flip Out' and 'Drive' by Matt Meyers | TouchArcade

GDC 2016: 'Starr Mazer DSP' is a Manic Horizontal Shooter Spinoff of the Upcoming 'Starr Mazer' Proper | TouchArcade

GDC 2016: 'Super Arc Light' is a Twitchy and Trippy One-Touch Retro-Style Shooter | TouchArcade

GDC 2016: 'Gamma Bros.' and 'Wrath of Pegasus' Heading to Mobile Courtesy of Pixeljam Games | TouchArcade

GDC 2016: Drop Bombs from Your Zeppelin in 'ApeStorm: Full Bananas' | TouchArcade

RPG Reload File 073 - 'Fall Of Angels HD' | TouchArcade

GDC 2016: A Closer Look at 'Looty Dungeon' | TouchArcade

GDC 2016: 'Second Galaxy' Aims to Be the EVE Online of Mobile | TouchArcade

GDC 2016: 'Rival Gears' Is a Free to Play Racer With Some Interesting In-Game Economy Twists | TouchArcade

GDC 2016: Hands On with Foursaken Media's 'War Tortoise' | TouchArcade

GDC 2016: Spin Your Gears in 'Cognition', a Clever Action Puzzler Out Of the NYU Game Center | TouchArcade

GDC 2016: 'King Rabbit' Seems Like a Great Sequel | TouchArcade

GDC 2016: Umbrella Shows Off Blocky RPG 'Magic Mountain' and One-Touch Platformer 'Back To Square One' | TouchArcade

'Sonic the Hedgehog' Remaster Now on Apple TV, 'Sonic 2' and 'Sonic CD' Later This Month | TouchArcade

'Total War Battles: Kingdom' Launches Worldwide Next Week | TouchArcade

'Exploding Kittens' Finally Has Online Multiplayer Including Private Games | TouchArcade

GDC 2016: 'Runaway Toad' is an Endless Hopper that's Premium and Actually Has Substance | TouchArcade

LOUD on Planet X preview | iPad | Pocket Gamer

Is This the First Footage of 'Pokemon GO'? | TouchArcade

GDC 2016: Quirky indie Where's Wally-like Hidden Folks wins the Big Indie Pitch in San Francisco | Hidden Folks upcoming | iPad | Pocket Gamer

NetEase has revealed China's first sci-fi mobile RPG Dawn Pioneer at GDC | Dawn Pioneer upcoming | iPad | Pocket Gamer

Treasure Buster is a pinball roguelike RPG coming soon to mobile, first trailer out | Treasure Buster upcoming | iPad | Pocket Gamer

[Update] GDC 2016 Round-up - Here's what you might have missed from the show | iPad | Pocket Gamer

Imbroglio is an upcoming deck-building roguelike from 868-Hack developer Michael Brough | Imbroglio upcoming | iPad | Pocket Gamer


『The Flame in the Flood』レビュー――かわいい愛犬と行く大洪水ラフティング、衣食住なし | AUTOMATON

Choke Point | Cliff Bleszinski氏最新作『LawBreaker』が非F2P化、Steamで独占販売へ

歴代「サガ」作品を彩った魂の楽曲が,フルオーケストラアルバム「サガオケ!」として再誕。監修を務めた作曲家・伊藤賢治氏に収録裏話などを聞く - 4Gamer.net