『This War of Mine』が過去最安値でセール開始。一般市民として戦争を体験するシミュレーター
![thiswar04 - 1](https://cdn-ak.f.st-hatena.com/images/fotolife/i/iPhonegamer/20230601/20230601133052.jpg)
iPhone AC 番外レポート : ブロッサム・ブラスト
GDC 2016: Walking War Robots meets Clash of Clans in Forge (working title) | Forge (Working title) upcoming | iPad | Pocket Gamer
Genesis of Destiny, Netease's first mobile game to support VR, has been shown at GDC | Genesis of Destiny upcoming | iPad | Pocket Gamer
GDC 2016: Infinite Tanks is like World of Tanks Blitz but faster and with more tanks | Infinite Tanks upcoming | iPad | Pocket Gamer
The Sandbox 2 preview | iPad | Pocket Gamer
Iron Marines preview | iPad | Pocket Gamer
Upcoming Sci-Fi CCG 'Star Crusade: War for the Expanse' Continues to Look Intriguing in New Trailer | TouchArcade
GDC 2016: 'Puzzlepops!' is a Candy-Based Puzzle Game that's Anything but Casual | TouchArcade
GDC 2016: 'Exiles of Embermark' is Quick Battles and Deep RPG Elements Tailor Made for Mobile | TouchArcade
GDC 2016: 'Runaway Toad' is an Endless Hopper that's Premium and Actually Has Substance | TouchArcade
Apple Recognizes Game Developers Choice Awards Nominees on the App Store with Featured List | TouchArcade
デニーズに新しいモーニングサービス ドリンクの注文でトーストとゆで卵が無料でついてくる! - ねとらぼ
利用客が女子高生1人だけだった秘境駅「旧白滝駅」 最後の1日を見守るニコ生が放送決定 - ねとらぼ
Choke Point | Tequila Worksがオープンワールド・ゲーム『Rime』の知的所有権をソニーから買収